Miwa reacts to "Every Single Warhammer Space Marine Legion in a Nutshell"
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
- Every Single Warhammer Space Marine Legion in a Nutshell: • Every Single Warhammer...
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Edited by whomever it says in the intro
*Raven Guard:* _You don't see them, and you don't know they're there._
*Night Lords:* _You don't see them, but you know they're there._
*Alpha Legion:* _You see them, but you don't know they're there._
Extra bit for the Night Lords: _Scream._ _lots of scream_
Particularly broadcasted across the planet.
They're basically livestreamers.
@@jocosesonata Except they don't entertain people; they entertain themselves only
@ZxosGamer so those annoyance streamers?
Space sharks: you see them, and you know they're there
But it's better if you just mind your own business
The 2nd and 11th Legions are references to the lost Legions of Rome. Fans use these two Legions as the create-your-own Legion for both models on the tabletop and fanfics.
And in the Lore, both of them were expunged from the Imperial History for doing something that Big E is so mad about and they don’t talk about them
@@JohzMalcodrus it's implied at least one of those primarchs got mind controled by some xenos. Better expunge all records than have L like that known.
Especially that the said xeno species doesn't exist anymore.
From what I've read in the books, there's maybe 2 lines of reference to them, and that's only a passing conversation between 2 Primarchs, one wishing they had more legions to fight the Heresy and the other stating we don't talk about those 2.
Heresy @@Zolwiol
There used to be lore for a Malibron.
There's also a book where Horus is shown the moment the Primarchs were scattered across the galaxy and he implies one of the lost legion never reached adulthood.
Bricky has yet again claimed another Vtuber into the warhammer pipeline lol
Bricky looking more like Trazyn by the day. 😂
@@timbackman5915 or a blood raven
Pokemon trainer master.
Chaos Goddess Vtubers WHEN?!
Man's truly doing God's work.
The franchise needs more true fans in the frontline.
Now more than ever.
Yes. Boys we have another battle sister.
Praise the Emperor!
Little fun fact: The Night Lords as Loyalists weren't originally as bad as they are now. Before, they used to be the Bullies who bullied your bullies. The kind that would use cowardly tactics on actual scumbags. Konrad was a sick and sadistic Primarch, but the things he did were mostly aimed to scare men who were like Konrad. And many fan-favorite Night Lords were actually quite huge Chads. One such Night Lord[I sadly can't recall his name] was captured by Loyalists, and next to his cell was a Psyker girl, and they conversed regularly. Until one of the Imperial staff abused and assaulted her. In fact, so badly that she became CRIPPLED, blissfully unaware that the Night Lord had heard everything. This Night Lord then broke out of his cell, found the Imperial, and beated, maimed, and mulled him to death. Then returned to his cell quietly without fuss.
Why not intervene before the assault got that bad?
Why wait to break out after to kill the guy?
You are thinking of the best nightlord Jago Sevatarion, or Sevatar
They were also the first legion who gone rouge or traitor. Weeks before everyone else. Because they hated being hated for doing their job. The legion was created to Punish those planets who want to go Independent
Wait until she discovered "The Screaming Gallery" or whatever it is called
@DarkMaze-bd4ov To be fair, the 8th, wasn't solely meant to be a terror Legion. The terror was the end result if someone did something very bad. They would do the unspeakable to the few, so that the many wouldn't dare. Then Konrad was found, then they began recruiting from that god awful planet and everything spiraled putp f control from there.
One of my favorite bits about the Iron Warriors was that their siege weaponry was killing more of their own allies than enemies, and when the Word Bearers begged them to stop blowing them up, the Iron Warriors basically replied, "Lol. Lmao," before cutting off communications. They're so petty lmfao 😂
"Have faith, Word Bearer"
"Vulkan Lives, Stomp Stomp!"
*stomp stomp*
Vulkan lives!!!
*Stomp Stomp*
Into the fire battle, Unto the anvil of war.
Robot Girlyman couldnt come back because he was injured, but after being asleep for a VERY LONG TIME, the moment he woke up, and saw what the Imperium become, well, yeah, he wished he never woke up.
Unfortunately, he has a duty and responsibility, and will try to save his empire.
In all fairness, the moment Gulliman woke up, he saw an entire battalion of chaos space marines trying to stop his awakening. And then he spent the next few moments pasting those chaos marines against the walls.
@ and then when he’s all done with chaos, he has to deal with the imperiahell.
Also fun fact: people who are new to 40k keep shouting xenophobic stuff but funnily enough Guilliman is the last person you wanna talk xenophobic stuff to. He outright shut down the entire room of Imperium high lords when they were booing 1 Eldar who was there as his advisor. Not to mention he's on speaking terms with Yvraine, 1 of the famous Eldar that helped resurrecting him.
Depression Rate: ABSOLUTE
To oversimplify, geneseeds:
Primarchs are artificially created superhumans (under suspicious circumstances the Emperor didn't wanna talk about)
They have a regenerating genetic organ called the "geneseed" which can be harvested in parts and put into regular humans to enhance them and inherit traits of their "Genefather" (also, most don't survive the process)
To add onto this, regular space marines also have a number of other organs implanted into them like an extra lung and an extra heart. The rough process for marineification would be first selecting appropriate human candidates and putting them through hellish training, then if they seem promising, start implanting them with the geneseed and extra organs over time till you get a full marine.
Since this video was made Lion El Jonson of the Dark Angels has returned. He disappeared in the 31st Millennia but returned older, wiser, and more mature in the 42nd Millennia.
So less of an asshole... to his sons and humanity. An even bigger asshole to his enemies.
He has blanket pardoned the fallen... who didn't fall to Chaos. Those how did however, will be tortured to death then beheaded.
He does give the captured chaos fallen a chance to recant and die quickly....few do.
Some of the Fallen that returned their loyalty to the Lion now goes by the name The Risen
I wish I would also be able to take a long nap and awake wiser
Mawibelle: This is so dark! Everyone needs therapy!
Warhammer 40k’s literal opening speech:
“Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace among the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.”
Bricky: Everything blows. And it blows fuckin’ _hard._
For the Alpha Legion, he forgot about memories reconstruction.
You can't lie, if you think at your core, that what you believe is true.
The Alpha Legion is so secretive and confusing that even Tzeentch is totally confused.
Everyone is basically Alpharius, posing as Omegon, who is posing as Alpharius, who thinks he is Omegon but is a sleeper Agent faking Alpharius, who is actually Omegon, who is posing as Alpharius, but that's also a lie in the end.
This is a meme btw, a chaos god isn't confused by the Alpha Legion
because Tzeentch is Alpharius XD
Alpha Legion is so deep in the double agent sauce they forgot who’s side they are on.
Let me help sorting this out.... I, am Alpharius
Greetings Brother Alpharius. Did Alpharius sent you to meet brother Alpharius?
Salamanders may not pet puppies, but Catachan barking toads on the other hand
I wish to boop the snoot!
Brother, do not boop the merry suicide bomber.
This will be the sixth time I have watched a VTuber react to this specific Bricky video, and I have become exceedingly efficient at it.
emperror was hard core atheist, believing religion to be the root of evil.
so when lorgar founded the imperial faith naming him god emperror (yes, lorgar started the church of the emperror),
lorgar had taken a sledgehammer to big Es berzerk button
He beleived that religion invited the daemons into the material plane, as he assumed they may be using multiple names to gather followers, if I Remember right.
@@Bakuganluver23 Lorgar was also taking an insanely unreasonable amount of time drowning the damn planet in religion
Like sure thing, there were Gluestick and Dorn and Horus building up, then there was Magnus searching entire planets if the word "knowledge" was even thought of
But Lorgar took it to a new extreme
32:43 The World Eaters Literally has one of Saddest Backstories.
ESPECIALLY ANGRON bro WAS just/is 😢 really 😢.
Even Add in:
"World Eaters were Designed and true Purpose was to be PALADINS of the People"
"ANGRON was originally given Powers to Take Pain from others and put it himself. ANGRON originally was Chill and frankly Kind Kid (before they Forced the Nails on his Head).
He would Isolate himself and Start brooding be it regret, sadness, grief, sadness BUT COULDN'T because of the Nails and would Lash out instead 😭.
He was pretty much Abandoned by the Emperor when he Took a Look at a, emperor's quote: "A Damaged Tool".
Frankly I perfectly understand the Emperor’s reaction. If he can’t be fixed nothing could be done. It was the Thunder Warriors but worse all over again. Your son that literally was the glue to hold everyone together was a hopelessly rabid dog. It’s just so tragic.
It’s also interesting though because clearly Blood Angels were more set up to fall to Khorne but because this happened to Angron his legion fell instead.
@@Souledex The BS part is he gave up on Agron right away but spent a lot of time trying to make amends with Mortarion (and Mortaion throughout the process kept playing the victim in every situation he's in).
Big E is a bad dad through and through. He even said to Malcador that the reason he act as their dad is because he thinks having a father-son relationship will make his tools more effective (yes he sees all the Primarchs as tools). His wife didn't want Big E to use them as tools so she launched all of them into space to get away from Big E, which is how each of them ended up on different planets.
@ it’s not his wife. And yeah, no shit he gave up on him immediately he had the Butchers nails. Mortarian doesn’t.
Also no shit he sees them as tools, he literally gave up what he had left of his humanity to make them.
"I am Alpharius. This is a lie."
I love the Alpha Legion's ridiculous double-triple "Lucy tricking Charlie Brown with the football" shenanigans. Like you'll get 3 paragraphs of a story of Alpharius, and the last sentence will be "This too is a lie." And they'll do it like 5 times in a row.
Also lead to one of the funniest episodes of the "Adeptus Ridiculous" podcast that Bricky is part of.
5:20 well it's called a Gene Seed. They USE to be called Progenoid Glands because they were suppose to be an organ you would implant put in but they kinda messed around with it several times from being a brain implant, a new organ, or a gland so it's now referred to as a Gene-Seed as a catchall term for something implanted to make someone into a Space Marine.
Oh, as to Lorgar's "hot pic"... well, it's because Lorgar looks the most like The Emperor. Just a bald version.
The Emperor has stated he was born in 8,000 BC in what is present day Turkey. So Lorgar, who looks the most like the Emperor in 30k, looking middle eastern absolutely is spot on. However in 40k, Lirgat has gone full demon and looks like a demon now.
Not a classic fire and brimstone demon, but a golden colossus surrounded by floating glowing writing
*Angry raven noises*
Bricky has a timeline video where he makes some book recommendations at the end and over all his recommendation are all very solid first entries to get in.
The timeline video is great, I hevaily recommend watching that one before the factions ones.
Vtubers+40k lore is something i didnt know i´d like so much.
Thank you, Neuro-sama, for introducing me to the world of Vtubers.
Talking about Horus Hersey, time to bring up the Chart
The currently returned Primarchs are, for the loyalists, Lion El'Jonson and Roboute Guilliman and for the heretics you have the 4 Chaos God specific Primarchs: Magnus, Mortarion, Angron, and now Fulgrim
Here's something you need to know about Angron:
Angron was the best gladiator of Nuceria along with his Gladiator brothers and sisters. Then the Overlords went for one of his Gladiator brothers and implanted what is known as "The Butcher's Nails." These "nails" you see in Angron's art that look like dreadlocks isn't really dreadlocks at all they're the exact nails that gives him intolerable pain when he's a clairvoyant state. So when he fights his brothers he feels the pain even more along the pain of sadness because of killing his brothers and sisters in the fighting pits.
Then the reason why Angron hates the Emperor? Because during a Gladiator Rebellion led by Angron, they were outnumbered by the Overlords armies and fled to the forest to make their final stand. Then the Emperor arrived and Teleported Angron to safety while he watches his brothers and sisters die.
And that's not even getting into his legion, who put nails in THEM to be LIKE Angron.
The tragic part I see with Angron is how little time and effort Big E had with him to build rapport, but spent way more time trying to appeal to a whining baby like Mortaion who victimize himself in every situation he's in.
The Death Guard, a literal army of walking bio weapons. Send one to die on a planet and that planet is basically gone.... And I love the lore behind how, because their minds have been twisted by the diseases they genuinely believe that their sickness is a blessing that needs to be shared....
Also prior to them turning traitor, they were renowned for being the most resilient, and tanky marines.
They were known for how tough they were and their resistance that is borderline immunity to pain.
1 thing Bricky didn't mention is while some legions aren't loyal with the Imperium, they aren't all about worshipping the Chaos gods. For example Iron Warriors and Night Lords. The former didn't believe in gods and stuff because they're more about technology, while the latter is just coo-coo crazy so the Imperium didn't let them back in. And also there're Renegades (Red Crosshairs). These are kinda the same too, except they don't actively attacking the Imperium. You can view them more like Space pirates.
Gonna need a counter for how many she says "I like them"
She seems so happy with the whole genociding going on-screen, so cute.
4:45 praise be to space king and his holy globules.
Little trivia about space wolves. There's a tank they named which is named after leman russ
Isn't there a Dorn one?
It's worth noting that nearly ALL space marines can eat their enemies to gain knowledge/intel. If I recall right, some gene-lineages have lost this ability over the millennia, but it isn't strictly a "Space Wolves" thing. There's actually a funny bit in the modern setting of WH40K where an Iron Warrior consumes ork-flesh in order to learn how to fly one of their aircraft.
And if you want to learn more about how the Horus Heresy begins, I'd say start with the first three books of the Horus Heresy series: "Horus Rising", "False Gods", and "Galaxy in Flames".
33:52 Yes, everyone in 40k needs Therapy. The problem? The World Eater's were suppose to be the therapy legion. No, that is not a joke. Before they met their primarch and shoved the nails into their heads, their primary job was being empaths and taking care of the emotional well-being of others.
If I remember correctly, someone once said that the Blood Angel's primarch Sanguinius even told his army that they can go home to their families if they wanted to and that he would fight Horus alone but they chose to stay and fight alongside him.
Yugioh player?
There is a warhammer 40k parody series called If The Emperor Had A Text To Speech Device which is very popular and is very beginner friendly. I'm bringing this up because this series does have some special episodes where they do play yugioh.
Fun fact if it wasn’t for the butcher’s nails, Angron would’ve rivaled Vunkan in comparison
There's nothing more pleasant than people starting their dive into 40k lore.
ALL space marines have the cannibalistic memory-download ability, not just the Space Wolves. The Space Wolves are also the reason at least one of the missing legions isn't around anymore (and almost the Thousand Sons as well, that backbreaker being done to Magnus).
Yeah, the Space Wolves were supposed to be THE executioners for any Space Marine legion that wouldn't follow the Emperor's will.
That's a theory, we don't quite know for sure, especially due to one specific line I can't remember.
“Should I just buy the book?”
My dear, there are over 50 books in the Horus Heresy series, plus audio dramas, short stories and novellas. I’m not even finished yet, and I’m just reading the main series via the omnibuses
I would just tell her to read The Infinite and The Divine.
Huzzah! A new battle sister that thinks the yellow brick walls are cool!
The trick is, just read any one book. You will be trapped in the pipeline after that. Happens to everyone.
correct. there are SO MANY jump-in points, all you have to do is pick a novel or series and start grinding.
15:36 The warhammer books have multiple series. Horus Rising is the first book of the Horus Heresy series (60ish books). For The Emperor is the first Ciaphas Cain book (11 books). First And Only is the first Gaunt's Ghosts book (16 books).
Warhammer 40k has 400+ books to choose from. Many stand alone titles (such as Infinite And The Divine). Or duologies (such as Twice Dead King), or trilogies (such as the Eisenhorn books). If there is a story type you like, you'll probably be able to find it with a warhammer coat of paint
I’m collecting the books and there are almost 800.
It's also important to note gw plays fast and loose with lore and don't really care about consistency that much, for example the only time space marine's eating brains to gain knowledge is mentioned in new stuff is the rogue trader game, hence why bricky thought only space wolves could do it since modern marines weren't supposed to be able to, the writer just put that in anyway and gw didnt care. I think the spitting acid is also pretty much retconned, I don't think any new stuff mentions it as far as I know, and that's not getting into 40k books and games and such contradicting each other pretty often. Basically 90% of what bricky mentioned was only written in like the last 5 years because gw changes and retcons stuff constantly.
Somebody's probably already said it either in the live chat or here in the comments, but the Lion isn't as much of an ass as he used to be. In some recent books, he's reemerged in the modern setting and has been reevaluating his ideals, learning how to be a bit more humble and noble. To my knowledge, his current objective is finding and redeeming some of his fallen sons, which he has had quite a bit of success with.
He is yet to reunite with Robute, but it's a reunion a lot of people in and out of universe are looking forward to.
Blood Angels are my favorite, once you read and learn more about them it becomes so much more tragic.
It becomes worse with the checkered bleeding hearts...
Those poor boys.
@@Endersoul-tx1of poor unlucky boys theyre
The Black Legion is one of the main types of enemies you can fight in Warhammer 40K: Boltgun. It's like 90's DOOM but 40K. You'll love it.
Something that not always said about World Eaters. Their armour probably not actually red but still white. They just never clean it off.
I swear to god Bricky has got more women into this hobby than there are Tau players
I would recommend the audio books, audible has the horus heresy in mostly chronological order and holy hell it's a trip
This is no meme, i like the dark angels and alpha legion like genuinely. Idk something about them is just so random, dark angels is just trust issues incarnate while the alpha legion is pure unadulterated shenanigans.
Like who decided to make two factions, one is Aizen from bleach while the other is Sherlock Holmes but on conspiracy theory juice.
"Lol" said Alpharius
"Lmao" said Omegon
Bricky's GamerSupps "OC" is lowkey Yang Xiao Long from RWBY with normal arms.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought that
To answer your question regarding books, a great start would be the Infinite and the Divine, but to start the whole Horus Heresy, Horus Rising is the first book of the series…and it goes off the rails from there lol
"should I buy the book?" Lady, which of the 62 Horus heresy books?
You know, I don't believe I've ever heard the term Gap Moe used to describe Warhammer 40k, but it kinda fits.
Fuckin love the Bricky boi
Something not really mentioned here is that Konrad Curze ideal was justice. But where he grew up taught him that justice could only be achieved through murder and fear. Konrad Curze was a man who had never known live
The Rorschach or Dredd. Unflinching ethics.
Bricky has another video about the entire history of Warhammer, and he recommends books to newbies getting started.
32:40 the primarchs were scattered throughout the galaxy by chaos to stop the emperor from destroying them, Aangron was maimed by the planets' residents, not part of the emperor's plan
Didn't some retcon made it so that the scattering was done by emperor's wife?
@kregy7509 even in that retcon, take a wild guess who were manipulating her to be paranoid
@@kregy7509 Yes it was done by his wife because she didn't want Big E to use them as tools to conquer the galaxy.
Ill always be a Salamander.
Seems like the Warhammer community really turned up on your two videos. Good job
A lot of factions in 40k try to bring a sort of historical, supernatural or fantastical element to their units. Eldar are probably the most obvious in that most of the eldar units are dedicated to the shrine of an aspect of a god. Space marine legions are really no different, they're humanity bringing some of the most terrifying and successful elements of humanity's history to space.
Won't go over it exhaustively, but some of the "supernatural" elements present in legions are things like the space wolves also being werewolves, the imperial fists being golems, the night lords being bats, gargoyles, elisibeth bathory and vlad the impaler, salamanders being giants and dragons, blood angels being "angels" as well as "vampires".... and the Alpha Legion being a "Hydra".
Usually each legion also has one or two *big* historic rivalries, sometimes 3. Like the Night Lords are often big rivals of the Blood Angels (gargoyles are supposed to scare vampires), Raven Guard (similar doctrine), and to a lesser extent the Ultramarines (the ultramarines broke the night lord *legion* into night lord warbands).
i would like to state that Russianbadger is not the owner of gamersupps, he's just a long time supporter having been sponsored by them for a few years. Jschlatt is the current owner of gamersupps
The World Eater’s Armor is White
and Blue with gold highlights, and it was never repainted and is now red with brass highlights… they NEVER changed the color scheme
She needs to watch the emperor tts. Purely for the 2 yugioh episodes
And you CAN play as Chaos Space Marines in Dawn of War games.
So, the gene seed is an entire organ that produces the necessary components to make you closer to your Primarch, making you his son and therefore grow into a 8 feet tall hulking mass of muscles (because the Primarchs themselves are even bigger, so their genes makes you bigger, just no AS big)
And not to mention, Night lords don't look so different pre and post heresy
"alright we're joining chaos now"
"Wait we were loyalist?"
@SneccTheSnake lol yeah they do be like that🤣🤣🤣
@@scarletfoxfrostnovember3407except they arent? They target people just like them amd used the scummy tactics against Imperiums enemies. They were assholes but actually loyalist
When it comes to 40K books, you can honestly start just about anywhere and you’ll be fine.
As for what to start with, a classic is the Infinite and the Divine. If there is one book to start with, this is the one
15:15 When it comes to the books, there's no "Book 1". There's a technical "first" book being Horus Rising, but you don't have to start with it. The thing about 40k books is that a lot of them are self contained stories that take place in an arbitrary point in time.
A good place to start, in my opinion, is the Ciaphas Cain series by Sandy Mitchell. They're fun, lighthearted compared to the rest of the 40k universe, and have very well voice acted audiobooks.
The Dark Angels arn’t very religious despite their Biblical name scheme.
If you want religious space marines. May I suggest the black templars, a offshoot of the imperial fist chapter.
If you didn't know the ones he didn't talk about, those legions were obliterated and killed along with all their primarchs and they have literally been stripped from the records they don't exist anymore
GamerFart9000 is my favorite flavor. It tastes like Watermelon-melon unlike the other watermelon flavor.
To be fair, all the primarchs were separated from the emperor while they were still being made, so the emperor never put the nails in angrons brain, that was the world he was flung to that did.
If you want to give the miniatures a try just for the sake of it, try the Gretchin and Runtherd box from the Orks line. It's only $20.
Always fun to see new people watch 40k but kinda sad that its always Bricky, i know his vids are easily digestable but people missing out on lutein is a bummer.
Lutein has better content, but Bricky’s videos are just far more enjoyable to watch, especially for new people.
Lutein is better if you want to learn about the lore more in depth
@@Zeromortisimusproblem is that bricky is often incorrect or just simplifies the ecents to such an extent they aren't really accurate anymore
@@kregy7509 that is because Bricky’s videos are simply outdated as hell.
That doesnt mean they are not good at all. His videos are still the best in getting newbies into the fandom. He is simply THAT entertaining to listen to.
I like her little doro on the bottom right
did duel logs make all his talents watch this?
Because i'm ready to pray to our new spider chaos god.
Alpharius and Omegon are pretty cool. Yes, they are twins, but they have/had one soul that was split into two bodies.
So it's more like it's one person in two bodies.
15:04 book, singular? The Horus Heresy series alone is over 60 books long lol
No one reads all the books, and there isn’t really a wrong answer for where to start. Some recommendations though: Infinite and the Divine, Horus Rising, Ciaphas Cain, or just decide on your favorite legion/faction and choose a well loved book that centers around them. My favorite faction is the Thousand Sons, so my first book was A Thousand Sons, the twelfth book in the Horus Heresy series which stars that legion. Fantastic book
15:04 "Should I buy the book?"
Horus Heresy? You'll need to buy a new book shelf too then XD
yeah space wolves are viking werewolves in space
It was a collaboration cup with him, so it's basically his cup, that's why the ad felt weird.
might need to report this one to the inquisition
Griffith would call you back if he got something out of it. So like, pre eclipse? Maybe. Post eclipse? Hopefully not.
The general opinion is if you wanna read you can start anywhere and find your way around which parts of the lore you are interested in focusing on. 400 books is a lot after all.
But I personally recommend not touching any Alpha Legion books in the beginning. Since they literally begin with "I am Alpharius, this is a lie." And ends with "This is a record, and all records lie." Which is just a mindfc*k even to more seasoned loreheads.
Idk much about warhammer but the imperial fists are prob my favorite based on this vid. There’s all these edgelord factions those night lord guys, but the fists are just typical chads with buzz cuts like “see if you can get through this wall dramatic ass band kids”
Boooo! Seige! Lol
Horus Rising is the first book of The Horus Heresy and one of the best books to start getting into 40k as a whole. Just be warned that it is the first out of over 60 books for the heresy alone. The whole heresy also takes place 10,000 years before the current time in 40k.
Important to note that Bricky's details on Angron and the World Eaters are a little bit off. They're honestly one of the most tragic legions. Angron was a slave on Nuceria, remained a slave to the Emperor, a slave to the Butcher's Nails, and is now eternally a slave to Khorne. Angron has never been free. And his sons are a tragedy of similar proportions.
I fucking love the thousand sons, alpha legion and salamanders
1:34 gamer fart is the flavour of therussianbadger, highly recommended his content!
Legions have many ways to get their enemies. But only the alpha legionnaires will call them their friend, brother.
22:51 best part
Perturabo is probably my favorite primarch for a couple reasons.
First off is that the Iron Warriors are one of only two legions that sided with Horus because of choosing to rather than simply being corrupted by Chaos. The Iron Legion don't like the chaos gods and don't worship them. They straight up hate the Chaos gods. To the Iron Warriors chaos is just another tool to use just as demons are simply fuel for their war machines.
My other reason is that ironically enough Perturabo really hates war. It's one of the reasons he resented the Emperor so much, because he finally escaped having to wage war on his homeworld, and then the Emperor goes and says "Hey, can you go wage war for me?" just like his adoptive father did. At the end of the day Perturabo actually wanted to just work on infrastructure projects like housing and aqueducts.
Then when a project like that finally did come around, building the Imperial palace, it ended up going to Dorn and Perturabo got sent to fight an extremely nasty Xenos race instead.
He's also the only one who can really compete with Magnus for the status of "Smartest Primarch". Perturabo is a straight up genius, which is another reason he hated that Dorn got the job to build the Imperial palace since Dorn was demonstrably not as intelligent as Perturabo.
If you wanna read warhammer 40k don't start with the horus heresy, it's extremely hit or miss, the quality varies wildly. Also you will get burned out reading like thirty books of bolter porn interspersed with samy guys having a competition about who can say "brother" with the most intensity.
Start with the books people generally think are good by themselves without needing much context.
The infinite and the divine (this one's a stone cold classic)
The caiaphas cane books
Gaunts ghosts
Horus rising (that one actually is horus heresy)
Assasinorum kingmaker
Ghazskull thrakkas novel
Are some good places to start. Don't just read space marine stuff cause you wanna know everything that happened in the heresy, it's really not that important and very monotonous. Instead just read good stuff and get a sense of the whole setting, you will find much more enjoyment that way.
Please stand by while Bricky get killed for his crime and replaced with BrickyII
47:38 the ravengaurd have modified gear on their home world which makes them pretty stealthy, quiet jump packs ect
I keep seeing people watch Bricky's videos and I love it 🤣
42:04 Who lied to her‽ Send them to Commorragh for covering up the existence of *Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising* !
Oh and
Lion El Johnson is back on the tabletop
For Fenris, For Russ, For The Allfather!
The 2nd legion is the angry marines. Their chapter master is Temperus Maximus